I've been wanting to put together for you expecting mamas, a list of useful things I have found out when I had a newborn.
Now the Kraamzorg gives you a list, but is that really all you need?! If you ask them, they would say 'yes', but I think there are couple of things that can really make your life easier.
Then I thought to myself, why not ask other moms what they found helpful, that way this list wouldn't be only about my personal opinion, but it would be a more accurate representation of what is actually helpful.
I didn't want to make this too long so this in not the full list, only the top 3 preferred things.
If you would like the full list you can request it in the bottom of the page.
Now let me disclose that this is not an official research, I have simply asked in a few local groups about moms opinions. I got in total around 150 answers. Also this post has not been sponsored by any brand at all.

My questions was the following:
If you would have to name one thing that was a lifesaver for you with your newborn what would it be?
1. Wrap/ sling/ carrier
41 moms have adviced some kind of carrier. This also seemed to be a popular answer especially when you're having your second baby.
I personally loved having a carrier, I could get things done and at the same time have her close to me. Make sure to look into one that you like, or you personally think it's best for your baby. Also really depends per baby, I bought a few different kinds and she loved one of them and hated the rest.
Some brands that were mentioned: Marsupi, Manduca, Tula, Ergobaby, Sakura Bloom, Julla, Strechy sling.
2. Pre-made meals
The next most popular response was fresh, or frozen pre-made meals, either by you or your friends and family. 20 moms gave this answer.
One moms have even asked for meals instead of baby gifts. Another mom said they have arranged family and friends bringing them meals, and combined with some pre-made homemade meals they didn't have to cook for the first month. I think that is absolutely amazing!
It is so important that you rest and bond with your newborn, so cooking should be the last thing on your to-do list.

3. Co- sleeping
14 moms thought that co-sleeping was a lifesaver, and I can absolutely stand behind that statement.
Some people say co-sleeping is not safe, but now days you can get different attachments to your bed, or transform the crib in a way to make that possible in a safe way. Especially if you choose to breastfeed, it means you don't even have to get out of bed, just simply reach next to you for your newborn, during nighttime feedings. I think co-sleeping is wonderful, and I read a few scientific articles saying it's also good for your baby. This article has lots of information about co-sleeping.
These were the top three things that moms have found most helpful.
If you would like to get the extended list and some other really helpful advice, leave your name and email and I will get it to you!
Hope you liked this article. Feel free to share with anyone who you think would find this helpful.
x Simona
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Helena (Sunday, 01 July 2018 12:33)
Hi! I'd like to receive the full list and the advice!
Simona Graszl (Sunday, 01 July 2018 12:50)
Hi Helena, if you would like to get the full list make sure to subscribe above!