The first time I met Teddie's mom, she was just a little bean sized baby, and I never knew following along her journey would be such a great experience.
Year in a Life is not only an amazing experience for the family, but also for me. To be able to follow along this complicated, yet simple little life, of your baby growing up. This first year is something you will never forget.
How they went from just barely kicking in your stomach, to a little human, that has feelings, their own will and unique personalities and they don't mind expressing. :)

Of course these shoots are not only about the babies, but your family as a whole.
While baby girl was catching up on her morning beauty sleep I got to do a few photos also with her mom.
This is Keven the sweet mama of Teddie.
She's a kind and loving mama, and takes motherhood as it comes. Teddie is one lucky girl to have a mama like her.
The theme for this shoot was 'British summer' which is almost the same as dutch summer, even though this year we had a long warm season so I really shouldn't complain. :)

Little squished baby faces are my actual favourites.
I also love that you can see her little teeth that just came through a few weeks before our shoot.
After we got all the 'straight out of magazine' perfect family photos, we let Teddie do her baby modelling thing. :)

We took a well deserved break here, Teddie was getting hungry, while dad and I ate some of the food from the picnic.
Keven told me at some point that she would like to have photos of her breastfeeding Teddie, which I got really excited about. I didn't have any photographs of me feeding my baby and some days I regret that.
I think breastfeeding is such a special bond with your baby and when I capture that I know those photos will mean a lot to moms when looking at them in a few years time.
I decided to only share this one image, because I think the rest of them were quite intimate, but I love how peaceful both Keven and Teddie look.
I also know these photos meant a lot to Keven, since a few weeks after taking them her milk supply stopped all of the sudden, so she couldn't breastfeed any more.

After her snack Teddie was ready to party again, bringing me the cutest giggles.
Keven brought along the most fun things, which I didn't even tell her to do. One of them were bubbles which Teddie was super mesmerised about.
Also can I just say how on a super sunny day, these little huts at the Katwijk beach are the perfect option for photos!
You can get just enough sun, and shadow in your photos!
They have them at different parts of the beach, but this part of Katwijk has the teal colour ones which go really well, with the whole 'beach theme' also my favourite colour. :)
I usually shoot at the Noordwijk beach, but another great thing about this beach is the parking. A few years back they built out multiple underground garages, along the beach, so you don't have to worry you won't find a spot.

During every shoot I try to get as many different scenes as possible to have a great variety in your photographs.
To close off the shoot, we decided to walk down to the beach, see how Teddie likes it.
In the photo below you can see her feeling the sea water on her toes for the first time. She was not at all impressed, maybe a bit scared as well? :) Sorry Teddie!

That was all the pretty families, sunny beaches and cute baby rolls for today.
I think I probably had more fun taking the photos, then you looking at them, still if you enjoyed them leave a comment with your thoughts.
It's Wednesday, which means it's almost weekend!
x Simona
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