Hello there! Finally have some time to sit down and blog. Ok not really, but let's do it anyways!
I have been busy with finishing up editing the Christmas shoots I did last weekend. I ended up photographing 25 families, and even though I should've felt exhausted I get a lot of energy from meeting new people and hanging out with kids who may or may not want to be in the photos.
I have already started this blogpost back in the summer, so I thought I would finish it, since I really loved the photos from this shoot.
We decided to do this pregnancy shoot near the beach in Scheveningen in Den Haag. Loved this first part of the shoot, with the dunes and high grass.

Joyce was very excited about her shoot for her second baby. She also did a maternity shoot for her first born, but they didn't turn out the way she wanted them to be...

For her first maternity shoot she decided to do an underwater pregnancy shoot.
According to her the pictures were very cool, but it was hard to see her face and recognise her therefore there was a really limited amount of photos they liked.
Joyce's husband was super happy about these photos, he thought I truly captured their family.

Her son was almost two at the time when we did her shoot, and Joyce was not sure if he'll want to be in the photos at all.
It's really hard to know what to expect from young children. It was great thought, that we were in this beautiful open space in Den Haag and he got to run around.
Whenever he wasn't looking I just quickly sneaked up on him and took his photos. I think they turned out very well.

Already from the first moment we started communicating with Joyce, she had an idea of what her ideal style for the shoot would be, and I really love that.
I don't mind helping with styling or wardrobe for a shoot, but when a mom comes with a clear idea of what they had in mind, it's even better.
If you read my blogpost about what to wear for a maternity shoot, you know how I always talk about you being comfortable during your shoot.
I could have maternity dresses ready for woman to wear, but I truly want you to feel comfortable and authentic during our shoot, and what might not happen if you're wearing a dress you aren't familiar or comfortable with.

After the first part of the shoot in the dunes, Joyce's husband and son took a little brake, while we went to take a couple more photos by the water.
Joyce was such a natural in front of my camera and I think you can really see that in her photographs.
Her beauty truly radiates from within and her boys are so lucky to have her as their mom.

If you enjoyed these photos, leave a comment, let me know your thoughts! What would be your ideal location for a maternity shoot?
I warn you all winter I'll be teasing you with beautiful sunny summer sessions, but I hope it will brighten your mood on these short and grey days!
xx Simona
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