For 7 days of Mama & Me you could nominate yourself, or another mom who you think needs a treat.
Anna was nominated by a dear common friend of ours, and I was really excited when she told me her daughter is only 4 months old.
Being a mom is challenging on it's own, but being a new and first time mom is exciting but really hard at the same time.
It was lovely to chat with Anna while she was getting her hair and makeup done, how she's living it. A lot of the things I could relate to remembering how it was when my daughter was only a few months old.
Of course I also asked her the same questions as the other moms and you can see her answers below! :)

What is the best thing about being a mom?
The best thing about being a mum is those moments when it’s just me and my baby girl, like her last feed at night when she’s all calm relaxed and quiet, there is a connection that I can’t explain, the overwhelming love you feel is mind blowing.

Your favourite way of spending time with your little one?
We took her for her first swim while visiting her grandparents in England and that was great fun!
But my favourite is when she’s in her high chair keeping me company while I cook, I chat to her and tell her what I’m doing and we listen to Disney songs too and I sing my heart out to her despite having a terrible singing voice!
She’s doesn’t care!

What do you find most challenging about motherhood?
It is such an overwhelming change to your life, that you can’t prepare for.
You lose the freedom you once had to just walk out the house whenever, to go wherever you want.
That took some adjusting too.

If there's one thing you want to teach to your children what would it be?
To be kind.
So simply and beautifully said! I am glad I got to do this shoot with Anna, and she has a beautiful photo with her daughter being so young. I know the photos I have with my daughter mean the world to me.
Let me know how you liked the photos, and I will be back tomorrow with Day 5! :)
x Simona
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